L’amour is a personal project created out of the inspiration of vintage French posters using Procreate. I favored the softness and delicacy of the graphics on the posters and wanted to create my own spin.
Date Created: April 6, 2022
Tracked Time: 7 hours 33 minutes
View Illustration Process BelowSketch
I chose to create my poster as an advertisement for french perfume. I visualized a floral and sweet-smelling perfume and wanted to materialize that with graphics of daisies and strawberries. I also believed that daises and strawberries would help with the soft and delicate theme I was going for. I then decided to design the strawberries into a heart, adding to the softness. The barbwire in the shape of a heart was a way of creating a contrast between soft and harsh themes.
Refined Illustration
Then, I added colors that I thought would best fit the theme of the piece. I chose pastel colors that had a soft feel to them such as pastel pink, yellow, and green. Afterward, I added shadows with a blue tint to the graphics.
Final Product
Next, I decided to add typography to my piece. In order to execute that, I used an application called Phonto on iOS and imported a typeface I chose called Gaston Opti. I decided on the French word “L’amour” to stick with the French theme and I typed it out in the Gaston Opti typeface. Then, I imported that into Procreate and traced over the typography. I wanted to stick to the sketch/pencil theme I also have for my piece. After that, I added a soft glowing effect behind the flower and strawberry graphics to add more color that felt missing. It also helps them stand out against the rest of the piece. Lastly, I added a few finishing graphics such as tracing over the stars and the grass
After finishing the piece, I thought it would be fun to create the piece into an animation in Procreate. I duplicated the project in Procreate and I merged the layer of each individual graphic together so I was able to easily slightly move each one in every frame. I was able to animate the strawberries, flowers, and stars in this piece.